Membership makes you part of a family, a sisterhood, a unique group of women who share the passion for flight in all its aspects, and have been for over 90 years. Membership confers an opportunity to make a difference in the lives of youth and adults, to become part of history, to further the joy of flight, to share that passion with other women.
How do I join?
- Send our membership team a message to let us know you are interested or need more information. You can use our contact page to send us a messsage. Click here for the contact page.
- Go to the International Ninety-Nines website at Complete the online application, be sure to identify the chapter you would like to be associated with as the Florida Suncoast Chapter in the Southeast Section, and pay your yearly dues which covers international membership, access to the members only section of the website with valuable resources, and a monthly newsletter.
What are the chapter benefits?
Once you are a paid member of International, you can choose to become a member of our chapter. At that time, we will provide you with a welcome gift of your official Florida Suncoast 99s badge. Your official status allows you to vote on International, Section and Chapter activities, elections, bylaw changes and financial budgeting. You can even serve as an Officer at the Chapter Level. We are a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation. Please help us defer our chapter costs for new member badges, printing, website maintenance, postage, etc. by providing a minimum tax-exempted donation of $25 a year to our chapter.